Saturday, July 9, 2016

My first comic again

I made several comics throughout high school that I squirreled away, never to be found again. I even did a couple in college, but after that I stopped and didn't start again for 10 years. I had to transition to become an adult before I felt the pull to become a kid again and draw some comics. One day after work, I came home with a funny idea in my head and I thought "Hey, I should draw a comic. That was a fun thing I used to do". So I did:
I actually added the title and website tag just for this post, but this was my first comic, again. I had a laugh in the car on the way home about this idea, a soccer ball with a kick me sign on it. That was enough of a thought to start up comics again. I modeled the school in this comic after Bayside, the fictional school in Saved By The Bell. The lockers are on the left and the hallway and banners in the back.

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